The show also announced a lineup of special guests for the finale, including First Lady Michelle Obama, Jennifer Garner, Channing Tatum, Serena Williams, Zac Efron, Adam Levine, Behati Prinsloo, Gwen Stefani, David Letterman, Diane Keaton, Kim Kardashian and DeGeneres’ wife Portia de Rossi. DeGeneres posted the series finale date on social media, noting, “I’m going to miss this.”  The show’s cancellation came less than a year after it faced allegations of a toxic workplace and the exit of three executive producers. But DeGeneres told the Today Show (opens in new tab) that it didn’t affect her decision. A photo posted by on “If it was why I was quitting, I would have not come back this year,” she said. “I really did think about not coming back, because it was devastating. It started with attacks on me and attacking everything that I stand for and believe in and built my career around … I am a kind person. I am a person who likes to make people happy.” Instead, DeGeneres previously explained that she wanted a new challenge and that this decision had been in the works for years. “I was going to stop after season 16. That was going to be my last season, and they wanted to sign for four more years and I said I’d sign maybe for one,” she told The Hollywood Reporter (opens in new tab).  “They were saying there was no way to sign for one. ‘We can’t do that with the affiliates and the stations need more of a commitment. So, we [settled] on three more years, and I knew that would be my last. That’s been the plan all along.” After the finale, the Ellen DeGeneres Show will continue to air throughout the summer on affiliate stations with guest hosts, repeats and compilation shows. The show will also live on through Ellen Digital Ventures, which has 300 million social followers and produced 14 original web series last year. In other TV news, Marvel Netflix shows have hit Disney Plus — but this killer feature is missing. Plus, a new reality show makes us want to cancel Netflix and all the new movies and TV shows to watch this weekend. 

Ellen DeGeneres  canceled talk show sets series finale date - 4Ellen DeGeneres  canceled talk show sets series finale date - 83Ellen DeGeneres  canceled talk show sets series finale date - 9Ellen DeGeneres  canceled talk show sets series finale date - 39Ellen DeGeneres  canceled talk show sets series finale date - 75Ellen DeGeneres  canceled talk show sets series finale date - 33Ellen DeGeneres  canceled talk show sets series finale date - 26Ellen DeGeneres  canceled talk show sets series finale date - 96

title: “Ellen Degeneres Canceled Talk Show Sets Series Finale Date” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-25” author: “Albert Mcginnis”

The show also announced a lineup of special guests for the finale, including First Lady Michelle Obama, Jennifer Garner, Channing Tatum, Serena Williams, Zac Efron, Adam Levine, Behati Prinsloo, Gwen Stefani, David Letterman, Diane Keaton, Kim Kardashian and DeGeneres’ wife Portia de Rossi. DeGeneres posted the series finale date on social media, noting, “I’m going to miss this.”  The show’s cancellation came less than a year after it faced allegations of a toxic workplace and the exit of three executive producers. But DeGeneres told the Today Show (opens in new tab) that it didn’t affect her decision. A photo posted by on “If it was why I was quitting, I would have not come back this year,” she said. “I really did think about not coming back, because it was devastating. It started with attacks on me and attacking everything that I stand for and believe in and built my career around … I am a kind person. I am a person who likes to make people happy.” Instead, DeGeneres previously explained that she wanted a new challenge and that this decision had been in the works for years. “I was going to stop after season 16. That was going to be my last season, and they wanted to sign for four more years and I said I’d sign maybe for one,” she told The Hollywood Reporter (opens in new tab).  “They were saying there was no way to sign for one. ‘We can’t do that with the affiliates and the stations need more of a commitment. So, we [settled] on three more years, and I knew that would be my last. That’s been the plan all along.” After the finale, the Ellen DeGeneres Show will continue to air throughout the summer on affiliate stations with guest hosts, repeats and compilation shows. The show will also live on through Ellen Digital Ventures, which has 300 million social followers and produced 14 original web series last year. In other TV news, Marvel Netflix shows have hit Disney Plus — but this killer feature is missing. Plus, a new reality show makes us want to cancel Netflix and all the new movies and TV shows to watch this weekend. 

Ellen DeGeneres  canceled talk show sets series finale date - 29Ellen DeGeneres  canceled talk show sets series finale date - 3Ellen DeGeneres  canceled talk show sets series finale date - 85Ellen DeGeneres  canceled talk show sets series finale date - 44Ellen DeGeneres  canceled talk show sets series finale date - 74Ellen DeGeneres  canceled talk show sets series finale date - 51Ellen DeGeneres  canceled talk show sets series finale date - 2Ellen DeGeneres  canceled talk show sets series finale date - 29