That’s why on top of knowing how to clean makeup brushes, it’s important that you get into the habit of doing it regularly. In this guide, we will break down the best techniques you can use to effectively clean your makeup brushes as well as sponges, and provide tips to achieve the best results without damaging your bristles.    Check out how to clean jewelry if you want to bring the sparkle back and how to remove gel nail polish.

How to clean makeup brushes — What you can use 

Lukewarm water

How to clean makeup brushes in eight steps  

  1. First of all, wet the bristles of your brush under running lukewarm water. Try to keep the base of the brush (where it connects to the handle) away from the water. This is where the bristles are glued in place and water can dissolve the substance.
  2. Place a couple of drops of your soap, shampoo or cleanser into your palm or brush cleaning mat. 
  3. Gently rub your makeup brush into the soap in circular motions. Don’t be too aggressive — think of it as massaging the bristles. You also want to be thorough, but again don’t get soap near the handle where the glue is. 
  4. Once fully covered in suds, rinse away the soap under running lukewarm water. Again, keep the handle and base of the brush away from the water. Try not to let water run down into the handle either, as this can damage it. If the water runs clear, you can move onto the next step, but if not repeat from step two. 
  5. Gently squeeze the excess water from the brush head. Don’t tug or pull on the bristles as you do this. 
  6. Reform the bristles if necessary to the original shape. 
  7. Let your makeup brush air dry with the bristles suspended off the end of a table or counter. You can leave the handle on a towel, but not the bristles as this can lead to mildew. Alternatively you can use your drying rack and mesh covers to dry in the best position. Do not dry with the bristles upright as water can run down into the glue and handle, causing damage. 
  8. Once completely dry, your makeup brush is ready to use again. Bear in mind that the drying process can take several hours, so we recommend cleaning it last thing at night if you want to reuse it the next morning. The above soap and rinse method can also be used on makeup sponges, but you will need to squeeze it as you run it through with lukewarm water to get rid of the absorbed soap. Just remember to be gentle and patient as you squeeze, so as not to damage it. These generally take longer to dry than makeup brushes too, so you might want a couple on rotation to compensate.  

How often should I clean my makeup brushes?  

Most makeup artists and professionals recommend that you wash your makeup brushes at least once a week. If your brushes are used to apply liquids or work around the eye-area, then those should be cleaned daily as the moist environment will aid bacterial growth. Likewise, sponges should also be cleaned daily as they can absorb liquids and remain damp for much longer, which means more bacteria.  Frequent cleaning will be better for your skin and will give you a better performance from your makeup brushes. Dirty brushes can end up clumping, which makes them difficult to blend and results in an uneven application.

When should I replace my makeup brush 

Cleaning your makeup brush regularly will extend it’s life — potentially for years. But, if you notice bristles are falling out, or it’s becoming misshapen, then that means it’s time to get a new one. Alternatively, sponges should be replaced every 3-6 months. If you can’t get the stains out of your sponge, or it’s started to tear, then you need a new one. 

How to clean makeup brushes and get them looking like new again - 54How to clean makeup brushes and get them looking like new again - 57How to clean makeup brushes and get them looking like new again - 39How to clean makeup brushes and get them looking like new again - 91How to clean makeup brushes and get them looking like new again - 35How to clean makeup brushes and get them looking like new again - 83How to clean makeup brushes and get them looking like new again - 13