If today’s Wordle has you scratching your head, we’re here to help. At Tom’s Guide, we’ve honed our strategy after playing every Wordle so far and losing only once, so hopefully our advice will be helpful. Aside from a list of the best Wordle start words, we have plenty of Wordle tips and tricks to share. We have also analyzed every Wordle answer to look for patterns and have some further advice for you there. And if you’re new to the game you should also take a look at our What is Wordle? guide. Each day, we will update this article with tips to help you find today’s Wordle answer. And if the hints aren’t enough, we’ll even give you the solution, in case you’re really stuck or just haven’t had time to complete today’s puzzle. Plus, we are also including an analysis of yesterday’s puzzle, #561, in case you’re reading this in a different time zone. So be warned: spoilers lie ahead for game #562. Only read on if you want to know today’s Wordle answer!

Today’s Wordle answer #562 — hints to help you solve it

Our first tip is that you should use one of the best Wordle start words for every game you play. But if you want some more specific clues to today’s Wordle answer, then here you go:

It contains one of the five vowels.*It has no repeated letters.Two of the letters are in the five most commonly used in Wordle.

  • By vowel, we mean A, E, I, O, U. There are other letters that are sometimes considered to be vowels, depending on how they are used.  Those hints should get you at least some of the way towards finding today’s Wordle answer. If not, then you can read on for a bigger clue; or, if you just want to know the answer, then skip down further for that. Alright then, here’s the final hint: Today’s Wordle is all dressed up for the New Year. OK, it’s time to scroll down for the answer…

Today’s Wordle answer #562, Monday, January 2

So, what is today’s Wordle answer for game #562? Drumroll please — it’s SKIRT. Howdy Wordlers. Alan Martin here for my penultimate puzzle before Kelly Woo takes the reins again. And today’s was another tricky one that WordleBot reckons will take the average player 3.8 or 3.9 goes depending on whether they play in easy or hard mode. I ultimately managed in five moves. Annoyingly, my fourth guess was a coin toss between the right and wrong answer, so I was close to par at least. I began Wordle #562 with my pick of the best Wordle start words, AUDIT. Today, it wasn’t a bad move, giving me the correct last letter right away, as well as revealing that ‘I’ had to be in positions 1, 2 or 3. WordleBot called it both “strong” and “lucky”, which are two words I very much like to have associated with me. The guess eliminated all but 50 possible answers, though TRACE (38), LEAST (23) and SLANT (19) would all have been better. I needed to move the ‘I’ along, while maintaining the ‘T’ and stick three more untested letters in - ideally a vowel.  My next guess - INEPT - met these aims and more than halved the possible remaining answers, cutting the figure down to just 24. There may have been 24 possible answers, but I couldn’t see any of them for some time. Eventually I stumbled upon WRIST which moved the ‘I’ to one of the two possible remaining positions it could occupy, and also gave me a yellow ‘R’ and ‘S’.  The end was in sight. I could see two possible answers, and WordleBot confirms these were the only ones left: SHIRT and SKIRT. Of course I picked the wrong one. “With two words to pick from, the best strategy is to guess whichever one you think is most likely,” WordleBot writes, somewhat obviously. “Unfortunately, SHIRT wasn’t the right answer this time, but it’s exactly what I would’ve guessed in this situation.” I typed the one remaining answer - SKIRT - into the blank box, and triumphantly watched the puzzle turn green. Hope you had more luck than me today, Wordlers!

Yesterday’s Wordle answer #561, Sunday, January 1

Reading this in a later time zone? The Wordle answer for game #561 was WHINE. Happy New Year, Wordlers! Alan Martin here with the first Wordle of 2023. And it looks like tough puzzles are here to stay, with today’s Wordle taking players an average of either 3.7 or 3.9 turns, depending on whether they play on easy or hard modes. I started off with my pick of the best Wordle start words, AUDIT. Three vowels and a ‘T’ is usually quite helpful in the process of elimination, though today it only turned the ‘I’ yellow, leaving a massive 261 possible answers remaining. That means that most of WordleBot’s suggestions for today were an improvement on mine. Special credit goes to LEANT, PLANE and CRANE, which reduce the possible solutions to 24, 16 and 13 respectively, though. My next move, however, improved things considerably. Playing BEING not only turned the ‘I’ green, but also brought in a yellow ‘E’ and green ‘N’.  Better still, WordleBot tells me that it only left six possible answers. Though it’s keen to point out that, had I played RINSE, that figure would be slashed to just four. All of those six answers, it turns out, end in ‘INE’ and I cycled through three of them in my mind as I pondered my third move. I considered SHINE and OPINE before ultimately opting for SPINE - which ruled out both of my other ideas and left just two possible solutions remaining. Fortunately, the word OVINE - a word that means resembling sheep - didn’t even occur to me, and after a brief moment’s consideration I typed WHINE and won on four moves. Hope the first Wordle puzzle of 2023 treated you well. I’ll be back tomorrow.

Previous Wordle answers

If you’re looking for a list of older Wordle answers, we can also help. Here’s a list going back 20 games.

Wordle #561: WHINEWordle #560: MANLYWordle #559: MOLARWordle #558: HAVOCWordle #557: IMPELWordle #556: CONDOWordle #555: JUDGEWordle #554: EXTRAWordle #553: POISEWordle #552: AORTAWordle #551: EXCELWordle #550: LUNARWordle #549: THIRDWordle #548: SLATEWordle #547: TAPERWordle #546: CHORDWordle #545: PROBEWordle #544: RIVALWordle #543: USUALWordle #542: SPOKE

Wordle tips — how to win at Wordle

The best tip I can give is to use one of the best Wordle start words. I can’t stress this enough — it makes a massive difference. Without one, you’ll be scrabbling around in the dark trying (and possibly failing) to find the right five letters (or possibly fewer) out of the 26 possibles. But clever people (not me) have done the math and identified the best start words based on both frequency in English and frequency among Wordle answers. So use them!  Secondly, think about combinations, especially at the start and end. Some options are far more common than others — for instance, SH, ST, CR and CH all feature frequently.  Vowels obviously need consideration too: not all Wordle answers will contain more than one, but plenty do, and some even have three. A good Wordle start word should have used a couple, but if they don’t feature you might well want to try another one or two on your next go. Plus, remember the Y — this sometimes acts as a surrogate vowel, and is easy to forget. It also appears at the end of plenty of words. Finally, try out possibilities. So long as you don’t press ‘Enter’ you can try possible answers to see how they look on screen. Put in likely letters plus any you know are definitely in the word, then mentally change one to the other available options. This technique has worked for me multiple times, and it’s particularly helpful when the word in question is not an obvious one (like FJORD or ISLET). 

What else should I know about Wordle?

Wordle officially launched in October 2021, but actually started in June of that year and celebrated its first birthday on June 19, 2022. (You can read my thoughts on the 5 things Wordle needs to improve if it’s to keep us playing for its second year.) However, it only grew in popularity towards the end of the year, then went viral in January as the world woke up to its charms. In fact, it proved so successful that The New York Times bought Wordle for a seven-figure sum in early February and the game is now part of NYT Games. It’s played via the NYT Games website here (opens in new tab), and is entirely free. Both the NYT and the game’s creator, Josh Wardle, have stated that it will remain free. Some people think that Wordle has got harder since the NYT takeover, but it really hasn’t. Wordle is a simple game in which your challenge is to guess a five-letter word in six attempts. Each time you guess, you’re told which of your chosen letters are in the target word, and whether they are in the right place.  If a letter is in the correct place, it turns green. If it’s in the word but in the wrong place, it turns yellow. And if it’s not in the word at all, it turns gray. There’s just one puzzle a day, and everyone completes the same one. It resets at midnight each day. You’ll find more information about the game in our What is Wordle? article.

Wordle Alternatives

If you’re eager for another game to pass the time while you wait, we’ve put together a list of the best Wordle alternatives. We also have a page on today’s Quordle answers, because it’s our favorite, and also today’s Heardle answer — because that’s great too.   Other Wordle alternatives to try are the ultra-stressful (but very good) Squabble and the soccer-themed, Who Are Ya?. We also like the geography-based Wordle clone Worldle, the Star Wars-themed SWordle and the math-based Mathler. There are certainly plenty of options once you’ve finished Wordle for the day!

Today s Wordle answer and hints   solution  562  Monday  January 2 - 26Today s Wordle answer and hints   solution  562  Monday  January 2 - 58Today s Wordle answer and hints   solution  562  Monday  January 2 - 53Today s Wordle answer and hints   solution  562  Monday  January 2 - 41Today s Wordle answer and hints   solution  562  Monday  January 2 - 55Today s Wordle answer and hints   solution  562  Monday  January 2 - 93Today s Wordle answer and hints   solution  562  Monday  January 2 - 70Today s Wordle answer and hints   solution  562  Monday  January 2 - 53Today s Wordle answer and hints   solution  562  Monday  January 2 - 77Today s Wordle answer and hints   solution  562  Monday  January 2 - 22Today s Wordle answer and hints   solution  562  Monday  January 2 - 18Today s Wordle answer and hints   solution  562  Monday  January 2 - 30

title: “Today S Wordle Answer And Hints Solution 562 Monday January 2” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-25” author: “Ann Orr”

If today’s Wordle has you scratching your head, we’re here to help. At Tom’s Guide, we’ve honed our strategy after playing every Wordle so far and losing only once, so hopefully our advice will be helpful. Aside from a list of the best Wordle start words, we have plenty of Wordle tips and tricks to share. We have also analyzed every Wordle answer to look for patterns and have some further advice for you there. And if you’re new to the game you should also take a look at our What is Wordle? guide. Each day, we will update this article with tips to help you find today’s Wordle answer. And if the hints aren’t enough, we’ll even give you the solution, in case you’re really stuck or just haven’t had time to complete today’s puzzle. Plus, we are also including an analysis of yesterday’s puzzle, #561, in case you’re reading this in a different time zone. So be warned: spoilers lie ahead for game #562. Only read on if you want to know today’s Wordle answer!

Today’s Wordle answer #562 — hints to help you solve it

Our first tip is that you should use one of the best Wordle start words for every game you play. But if you want some more specific clues to today’s Wordle answer, then here you go:

It contains one of the five vowels.*It has no repeated letters.Two of the letters are in the five most commonly used in Wordle.

  • By vowel, we mean A, E, I, O, U. There are other letters that are sometimes considered to be vowels, depending on how they are used.  Those hints should get you at least some of the way towards finding today’s Wordle answer. If not, then you can read on for a bigger clue; or, if you just want to know the answer, then skip down further for that. Alright then, here’s the final hint: Today’s Wordle is all dressed up for the New Year. OK, it’s time to scroll down for the answer…

Today’s Wordle answer #562, Monday, January 2

So, what is today’s Wordle answer for game #562? Drumroll please — it’s SKIRT. Howdy Wordlers. Alan Martin here for my penultimate puzzle before Kelly Woo takes the reins again. And today’s was another tricky one that WordleBot reckons will take the average player 3.8 or 3.9 goes depending on whether they play in easy or hard mode. I ultimately managed in five moves. Annoyingly, my fourth guess was a coin toss between the right and wrong answer, so I was close to par at least. I began Wordle #562 with my pick of the best Wordle start words, AUDIT. Today, it wasn’t a bad move, giving me the correct last letter right away, as well as revealing that ‘I’ had to be in positions 1, 2 or 3. WordleBot called it both “strong” and “lucky”, which are two words I very much like to have associated with me. The guess eliminated all but 50 possible answers, though TRACE (38), LEAST (23) and SLANT (19) would all have been better. I needed to move the ‘I’ along, while maintaining the ‘T’ and stick three more untested letters in - ideally a vowel.  My next guess - INEPT - met these aims and more than halved the possible remaining answers, cutting the figure down to just 24. There may have been 24 possible answers, but I couldn’t see any of them for some time. Eventually I stumbled upon WRIST which moved the ‘I’ to one of the two possible remaining positions it could occupy, and also gave me a yellow ‘R’ and ‘S’.  The end was in sight. I could see two possible answers, and WordleBot confirms these were the only ones left: SHIRT and SKIRT. Of course I picked the wrong one. “With two words to pick from, the best strategy is to guess whichever one you think is most likely,” WordleBot writes, somewhat obviously. “Unfortunately, SHIRT wasn’t the right answer this time, but it’s exactly what I would’ve guessed in this situation.” I typed the one remaining answer - SKIRT - into the blank box, and triumphantly watched the puzzle turn green. Hope you had more luck than me today, Wordlers!

Yesterday’s Wordle answer #561, Sunday, January 1

Reading this in a later time zone? The Wordle answer for game #561 was WHINE. Happy New Year, Wordlers! Alan Martin here with the first Wordle of 2023. And it looks like tough puzzles are here to stay, with today’s Wordle taking players an average of either 3.7 or 3.9 turns, depending on whether they play on easy or hard modes. I started off with my pick of the best Wordle start words, AUDIT. Three vowels and a ‘T’ is usually quite helpful in the process of elimination, though today it only turned the ‘I’ yellow, leaving a massive 261 possible answers remaining. That means that most of WordleBot’s suggestions for today were an improvement on mine. Special credit goes to LEANT, PLANE and CRANE, which reduce the possible solutions to 24, 16 and 13 respectively, though. My next move, however, improved things considerably. Playing BEING not only turned the ‘I’ green, but also brought in a yellow ‘E’ and green ‘N’.  Better still, WordleBot tells me that it only left six possible answers. Though it’s keen to point out that, had I played RINSE, that figure would be slashed to just four. All of those six answers, it turns out, end in ‘INE’ and I cycled through three of them in my mind as I pondered my third move. I considered SHINE and OPINE before ultimately opting for SPINE - which ruled out both of my other ideas and left just two possible solutions remaining. Fortunately, the word OVINE - a word that means resembling sheep - didn’t even occur to me, and after a brief moment’s consideration I typed WHINE and won on four moves. Hope the first Wordle puzzle of 2023 treated you well. I’ll be back tomorrow.

Previous Wordle answers

If you’re looking for a list of older Wordle answers, we can also help. Here’s a list going back 20 games.

Wordle #561: WHINEWordle #560: MANLYWordle #559: MOLARWordle #558: HAVOCWordle #557: IMPELWordle #556: CONDOWordle #555: JUDGEWordle #554: EXTRAWordle #553: POISEWordle #552: AORTAWordle #551: EXCELWordle #550: LUNARWordle #549: THIRDWordle #548: SLATEWordle #547: TAPERWordle #546: CHORDWordle #545: PROBEWordle #544: RIVALWordle #543: USUALWordle #542: SPOKE

Wordle tips — how to win at Wordle

The best tip I can give is to use one of the best Wordle start words. I can’t stress this enough — it makes a massive difference. Without one, you’ll be scrabbling around in the dark trying (and possibly failing) to find the right five letters (or possibly fewer) out of the 26 possibles. But clever people (not me) have done the math and identified the best start words based on both frequency in English and frequency among Wordle answers. So use them!  Secondly, think about combinations, especially at the start and end. Some options are far more common than others — for instance, SH, ST, CR and CH all feature frequently.  Vowels obviously need consideration too: not all Wordle answers will contain more than one, but plenty do, and some even have three. A good Wordle start word should have used a couple, but if they don’t feature you might well want to try another one or two on your next go. Plus, remember the Y — this sometimes acts as a surrogate vowel, and is easy to forget. It also appears at the end of plenty of words. Finally, try out possibilities. So long as you don’t press ‘Enter’ you can try possible answers to see how they look on screen. Put in likely letters plus any you know are definitely in the word, then mentally change one to the other available options. This technique has worked for me multiple times, and it’s particularly helpful when the word in question is not an obvious one (like FJORD or ISLET). 

What else should I know about Wordle?

Wordle officially launched in October 2021, but actually started in June of that year and celebrated its first birthday on June 19, 2022. (You can read my thoughts on the 5 things Wordle needs to improve if it’s to keep us playing for its second year.) However, it only grew in popularity towards the end of the year, then went viral in January as the world woke up to its charms. In fact, it proved so successful that The New York Times bought Wordle for a seven-figure sum in early February and the game is now part of NYT Games. It’s played via the NYT Games website here (opens in new tab), and is entirely free. Both the NYT and the game’s creator, Josh Wardle, have stated that it will remain free. Some people think that Wordle has got harder since the NYT takeover, but it really hasn’t. Wordle is a simple game in which your challenge is to guess a five-letter word in six attempts. Each time you guess, you’re told which of your chosen letters are in the target word, and whether they are in the right place.  If a letter is in the correct place, it turns green. If it’s in the word but in the wrong place, it turns yellow. And if it’s not in the word at all, it turns gray. There’s just one puzzle a day, and everyone completes the same one. It resets at midnight each day. You’ll find more information about the game in our What is Wordle? article.

Wordle Alternatives

If you’re eager for another game to pass the time while you wait, we’ve put together a list of the best Wordle alternatives. We also have a page on today’s Quordle answers, because it’s our favorite, and also today’s Heardle answer — because that’s great too.   Other Wordle alternatives to try are the ultra-stressful (but very good) Squabble and the soccer-themed, Who Are Ya?. We also like the geography-based Wordle clone Worldle, the Star Wars-themed SWordle and the math-based Mathler. There are certainly plenty of options once you’ve finished Wordle for the day!

Today s Wordle answer and hints   solution  562  Monday  January 2 - 75Today s Wordle answer and hints   solution  562  Monday  January 2 - 27Today s Wordle answer and hints   solution  562  Monday  January 2 - 85Today s Wordle answer and hints   solution  562  Monday  January 2 - 63Today s Wordle answer and hints   solution  562  Monday  January 2 - 78Today s Wordle answer and hints   solution  562  Monday  January 2 - 97Today s Wordle answer and hints   solution  562  Monday  January 2 - 26Today s Wordle answer and hints   solution  562  Monday  January 2 - 5Today s Wordle answer and hints   solution  562  Monday  January 2 - 84Today s Wordle answer and hints   solution  562  Monday  January 2 - 32Today s Wordle answer and hints   solution  562  Monday  January 2 - 60Today s Wordle answer and hints   solution  562  Monday  January 2 - 67